Chestan Online Tuition

Monday 2 November 2015




Tuesday 6 January 2015

[Chestan Online Tuition] English Essay: Friends


Define friends –
-          The person whom we spend most of time with other than the family member
-          By our side through thick and thin
-          Play a vital role in our life

Content 1:
Friends’ characteristic 1 : caring
-          Take interest into the problem that we encounter
-          Sit beisde you and encourage you to keep your chin up when everyone else is against you
-          Emphathy and lovingness – replenish your worn-out soul

Content 2:
Friends’ characteristic 2: honest
-          Dissipate any worries that he or she is lying towards you
-          Win your trust easily for his opinion
-          Remand you on your declining grades – dishonest friend – see it with a blind eye

Content 3:
Friends’ characteristic 3: generous
-          Generous – emotion and knowledge wise
-          Provide emotional support – example – argument with parents – calm you down to diminish the contradict with your family
-          Share the knowledge with you – ever ready to help when you have any doubt in any subjects
-          Guide you patiently along the path towards understanding

Content 4:
Friends’ characteristic 4: humourous
-          Essential role in our life – more lively and enjoyable
-          Laughter is the best medicine to cure our stress either from study or working

-          Bad or good friends – selective – assistance/lend a helping hand to us along our way towards sucess

[Chestan Online Tuition] BM Karangan: Langkah-langkah untuk menggalakkan orang ramai menggunakan pengangkutan awam

Q1) Langkah-langkah untuk menggalakkan orang ramai menggunakan pengangkutan awam

 - Zaman beralih, musim bertukar –
- kesesakan jalan raya – menghantui rakyat Malaysia
- Malaysia menjejakkan kaki ke satu ambang yang rancak sekali – ekonomi, sosial, politik
- mengalami anjakan paradigma – menyediakan prasana
- peribahasa – pepohon pokok tidak akan berliuk-lintuk jika tidak ditiup angin
- keengganan orang rami menggunakan pengankutan awam mestilah mempunyai sebab-sebabnya
- persoalannya – bagaimanakah 

Isi 1:
- Syarikat pengangkutan awam – meningkatkan kualiti perkidmatan yang disediakan dan mengemaskinikan kemudahan dalam pengangkutan awam
- sikap-sikap pemandu – mesra –
- memasang televisyen
- meningkatkan kekerapan perjalanan pengangkutan awam – mengurangkan masa penungguan penumpang
- era globalisasi – mengutamakan kepantasan –merumitkan penumpang – merendahkan kemampuan dalam persaingan dengan pengangkutan yang lain
- menambahkan keuntungan syarakat yang lumayan
- serampang dua mata

Isi 2:
- menubuhkan Lembaga Pengangkutan Awam – menyeleraskan  dan menyeragamkan sistem tiket semua pengangkutan awam – bas, kereta api, teksi
- menyediakan sistem tiket bersepadu
- mengurangkan kesukaran dan kerumitan dalam sistem pembayaran

Isi 3:
-          Kerajaan – menguatkuasakan undang-undang – mengenakan hukuman denda atau gantung lesen memandu – melanggar undang-undang
-          Pengangkutan awam – terlibat dalam kemalangan jalan raya
-          Kehilangan kepercayaan orang ramai terhadap keselematan penggunaan pengangkutan awam
-          Syarikat pengangkutan awam – melaporkan kes-kes jenayah yang berlaku dalam pengangkutan awam
-          Menakutkan nafsu penjenayah yang ingin melakukan jenayah dalam pengangkutan awam
-          Menghantar polis – memantau pengangkutan awam

Isi 4:
-          Ibu bapa – teladan – anak-anaknya
-          Seperti  ketam mengajar anaknya berjalan lurus, sedangkan diri sendiri berjalan mengiring
-          Tidak menjadi teladan yang baik
-          Memberikan kesedaran kepada anak-anaknya – tentang manfaat/kebaikan/faedah/kemashalatan penggunaan pengangkutan awam


-          Kesan
-          Membateras/ menangani/menyelesaikan pencemaran udara
-          Bertindak segera
-          Peribahasa: sesal dahulu pendapatan, sesal kemudian tidak berguna
-          Peribahasa: sebelum padi menjadi lalang
-          Pemodenan sistem perhubungan darat merupakan inovasi yang penting ke arah mewujudkan mobilisasi sumber tenaga manusia pada tahap yang paling optimum


Phone:  016-7180970

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Sunday 28 December 2014

[Chestan Online Tuition] Complete the story

Write a story ending with : “… That is the reward for my patience and hardwork.”

No guts, no glory; no pain no gain – life motto
Family background – poor
Father – fisherman
Mother – housewife
Family – 4 siblings
Father’s income – not sufficient – support the family daily expense

Content 1:
- qualified for a prestigous school
- fellow classmates born with silver spoon in mouth
- possess fancy gadgets with latest technology
- afford to buy branded clothes and shoes
- not discourage and demotivate you – view the situation as a challenge and turning point in your life
- score flying-color result in the examination – compete with the classmate – change the life and fate

Content 2:
- fully concentrate on study –
- parents – insipiration
- Looking at the parents’ sacrification, it reminds me to continue to work hard – hange on our fate
- classmates – afford to go to tuition class – envy
- classmates – afford to buy various reference and exercise book – admire
- felt very stressed – never give up
- Thinking of the parents retired life – motivated to move on

Content 3:
- engage myself in study group –
- seek help and consultation from teachers – especially – Maths and science
- burn midnight oil – almost everyday
- set ultimate goal – 10A+ in PT3 examination
- muster every single one strength to pull through this ordeal

Content 4:
- examination day
- questions – within the study scope
- full of confidence – but never neglect carelessness
- check the solutions and answer repeatedly

Content 5:
 - announcement from newspaper/ television
- anticipation/nervousness – went to the school
- hearts beats drastically
- cold from feet to toes
- hand over the result slip – cried with happiness and relief
- 10A+

- control over our own fate
- diligence – change our life
- That is the rewards for my patience and hardwork

Phone:  016-7180970

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[Chestan Online Tuition] Faktor-faktor berlakunya masalah sosial

Ibu bapa menjaga anak-anak dengan penuh kasih sayang, namun apabila anak-anak- meningkat remaja ada antara mereka yang terlibat dengan pelbagai masalah sosial. Jelaskan faktor-faktor yang mendorong berlakunya keadaan sedemikian

Tidak menulis kekurangan kasih sayang sebagai isi dalam karangan ini

- kesan negatif masalah sosial – meningkatkan kadar jenayah
- mengancam/menggugate ketenteraman masyarakat dan keamanan negara
- Peribahasa: pepohon pokok tidak akan berliuk-lintuk sekiranya tidak ditiup angin
- Kejadian masalah – mestilah mempunyai punca-puncanya
- buah mulut

Isi 1: individu
- sikap ingin cuba – mencuba sesuatu yang mencabar tanpa mengira baik buruk perkara tersebut
- sikap tidak tahan dicabar - fikiran kurang matang
- sikap individu – punca utama
- latar belakang keluarga yang rumit – Peribahasa – ampuh bak ikan di laut, walaupun sepanjang hayat badannya tetap tidak masin

Isi 2: Pengaruh rakan sebaya
- memiliki pemikiran yang hampir – Peribahasa: berlapik seketiduran, sebantal sekalang dulu
- mudah percaya terhadap kawan-kawan
- takut tersisih oleh rakan-rakan

Isi 3: ibu bapa
- tidak menjadi teladan yang baik – Peribahasa: seperti ketam mengajar anaknya berjalan lurus, sedangkan diri sendiri berjalan mengiring
- Peribahasa: bapa borek, anak rintih
- anak-anak sering mengikuti jejak langkah ibu bapanya

Isi 4: Guru/ sekolah
- terlalu menitikberatkan mata pelajaran teras –mengabaikan pendidikan moral dan agama
- kehilangan pedoman hidup dan pegangan moral yang teguh
- tidak menguatkuasakan peraturan-peraturan – berani mencabar peraturan sekolah

Ibu bapa – patut – menjadi teladan baik
Sekolah – mengetatkan peraturan sekolah
Media massa – berwaspada pada program-program yang disiarkan
Kerajaan – mengadakan kempen
Peribahasa: Pemuda harapan bangsa, pemudi tiang negara – bakal pemimpin yang akan menentukan hala tuju ekonomi dan politik negara

Peribahasa – sebelum padi di tangan menjadi lalang – bertindak dengan secepat mungkin

Phone:  016-7180970

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Sunday 14 December 2014

English: Parents are the best teachers.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Parents are the best teachers.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
250 words/300 words and above

1)      Biological children – teaching – more patient – effective
a.       Able/Willing to spend more time in teaching the students
2)      More experienced – in daily life
a.       In sosial skill, communication skill, other knowledge
b.      Willing to share with the children
c.       Share their mistake with the children – to help and prevent the children from repeating the same mistake
d.      Teacher/other friend – are they willing to share their embarrasing mistake with us?
3)      Spend most of the time with the parents
a.       Before entering kindergarden, primary school – parents are the only learning sources for us
b.      Growing up – spend most of the time at home with parents
c.       Contact mostly with parents
d.      Role model – no need to specifically teach us regarding the particular knowledge, but we will learn from their behavior and action
4)       Full control/ power over the children
a.       Underaged children – teaching by parents is most effective
b.      School teacher – cane students – requires the approval from parents – even though it is clean that caning is the most effective way to correct that students’ mistake

1.       Parents are not professional in teaching
a.       Knowledge in the specific field – related to their career
b.      No traning on the correct and effective way of teaching
c.       Not able to deal with various type of children
2.       Parents’ nature – pampering the children
a.       Not willing to punish the children – make mistake
b.      Children – not aware of their mistake
c.       No fear for doing more serious mistake
3.       Teacher  - experienced in teaching
a.       More knowledge in general knowledge required by the students
b.      More familiar with our education system – well prepare students for the examination
c.       More facilities in teaching – school/government assess the most suitable material for the students
4.       Friends/Siblings
a.       Same level of thinking – friends – most influencial in your learning process
b.      Study group – build up your interest in studying – discuss when encountering difficulties in study

English: Email to Friend

Write an email to your friend to encourage your friend to start the reading habits.

Hi James,
4 paragraphs, 1 introduction, 1 conclusion
-          How are you recently? Hope you are in pink of health.
-          Not interested in reading

Content 1:
-          Ask for the reason
-          Addicted to the computer games/ busy for the study and homework
-          Share your reading experience – interesting – learn a lot of new knowledge outside of textbooks
-          Reading – benefit leisure time

Content 2:
-          Encourage him to take up the reading habits
-          Lend the reading materials – interesting – various types of book
-          Plan a timetable for reading
-          Go to public library – build up the interest of reading

Content 3:
-          Advantages of reading
-          Learn additional knowledge
-          Knowledge – helps daily life – example – keep up-to-date with the latest news
o   For example – know about the increment in the petrol  price –take early action to pump the petrol to save money
-          Learn vocabulary – help to improve your study/ essay-writing

Content 4:
-          * Do yourself

-          Reading plays an important role in our life
-          Brighten our future
-          Help in seeking for better and more job opportunities – impress the interviewer during the interview session

Format for the Homework:


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